The use of cannabis for medical purposes should not rely on clinical trial results, according to a University of Melbourne academic. Professor David Pennington said a number of upcoming trials in New South Wales presume cannabis can be regulated as a pharmaceutical... read more
Australian survey results as presented in the most recent paper compiled by the Australian National Council on Drugs, called ..
Medicinal use of cannabis:
Background and Information Paper
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Ten health problems that can be treated with the right variety of cannabis Unfortunately, medical cannabis has no legal status in Australia, so if you wish to enjoy the well-studied benefits of this plant for the treatment of a large number of diseases and conditions, there is no choice but to medicate yourself. In order to do this, you have two options: you may go to a good supplier (illegal courageous private cannabis cultivators) or grow it yourself. In both cases, you should know the differences between the two main species of psychoactive Cannabis – Sativa and Indica- to choose the one that best suits your problem. Indica varieties (medium to high THC content, content in CBD comparatively high), usually have a sedative psychoactive effect along with a feeling of being “stoned”. It relaxes body and mind, reducing muscle tension. These qualities make it more suitable for diseases such as: -Multiple-Sclerosis (it reduces spasms and tremors) -Parkinson’s disease (same) -Arthritis and rheumatism (it fights inflammation and stiffness) -Insomnia (given its relaxing effects) -Anxiety (same) Sativa varieties (medium to high THC content, content in CBD comparatively low) produce a more active and euphoric effect. It is a both physical and mental “high” that tends to stimulate rather than sedate. These varieties are more effective in treating medical problems such as: -Nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy or AIDS medication -Loss of appetite (it distends the stomach and stimulates hunger) -Migraine (it reduces or completely eliminates the pain) -Clinical Depression (it produces psychic well-being and a sense of euphoria) -Chronic pain (analgesic properties). For this disorder Indica also works, so hybrid... read more
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